So what do I eat as a plant based vegan? It might be most helpful to show you some of my meals. Keep in mind that I eat simply. Not every meal is some elaborate dish with exotic vegan ingredients you've never heard of. I haven't even had tofu yet! (excuse my poor iPhone photography skills)
Normally for breakfast I will have a big bowl of oatmeal (and by big bowl I mean 1 cup of dry oats so however much that is in cooked oats) with almond milk, a sweetener, and fresh fruit. Occasionally I will have banana ice cream (aka frozen bananas put in a food processor until they're the consistency of soft serve). "Nicecream" is my absolute favorite vegan food. You would not believe how sweet and creamy it is - and its only bananas! I'm also a big fan of super sweet green smoothies. They are such fun to have when all your fruit is ripe.
I tend to have leftovers of dinner for lunch. If I'm packing my lunch I will also add as much fresh fruit as I can into a tupperware. I'll also take a fig bar, larabar, or whatever little vegan treat I have made (currently its homemade granola bars!). Dinners usually consist of a starch paired with steamed veggies or on a bed of fresh greens. I love making white potatoes into fries (without added salt or oil), cooking up jasmine rice (I literally have a 5 lb bag of that stuff #veganproblems), baking sweet potatoes or making brown rice pasta with homemade tomato sauce. Its all so delicious and filling.
I drink a LOT of water. I make sure to get in 2-3 liters daily to maintain optimal hydration. Since I eat such a high fiber and high cooked food diet, its important to keep things moving and stay hydrated. It helps keep my skin clear as well.
Thank you for having a read and stay tuned for more recipes and things to come!
Much Love,
Sydney xx
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