2 Months Vegan: An Update
Hello, my wonderful readers! I hope you are all doing great. After seven days off of school in the past two weeks, I'm getting a little crazy. However, I have been making fairly good use of the time off to get a head start on projects and other fun things.
In other news, its my two month veganniversary! I've basically become a little hippie. Just like this dog.
And, according to PETA, I've saved the lives of a whopping 16 farm animals!!
As promised, I am going to update you on all things vegan food.
So my diet over the last two months has been, for the most part, what is considered a High Carb Low Fat Vegan Lifestyle. I eat mostly plant foods in their cooked or raw forms. That makes up the bulk of my diet. I'll have some processed foods or higher fat foods every once and a while when I'm craving something different. But for the most part I'm satisfied on these foods alone.
I have been roughly following the advice of Dr. McDougall, the author of The Starch Solution. I will have a book review up soon to discuss all of my opinions in detail. For now, just know that this means I'm eating mostly starches (corn, potatoes, pasta, whole grains, beans, legumes, etc.) with sides of veggies and fruits. Occasionally, I'll have a fruit meal for either breakfast or lunch if I want something really sweet.
The high carbohydrate diet I'm consuming keeps me feeling energized and awake. Early morning classes don't seem as dull and I can get up earlier without an alarm clock. I feel a lot lighter and not weighed down by fatty animal products. I've also noticed a stabilization in my mood. I don't feel like I'll snap at people as easily or get moody. Not every day is like this, but the vast majority of them are.
I do recognize a change in myself and my energy levels when I have a little more fat in my diet. Too much avocado, coconut milk, oils or nuts seem to slow me down while rice or potatoes will keep me going. I don't eliminate these fatty foods from my diet, but I try to eat them sparingly. I feel the best when I'm running off of starches and fruits.
I haven't had cravings lately for any animal products either. I'm completely satisfied with my huge and delicious plant based meals. At the beginning, I recall salivating at the smell of the rest of the family's dinner options. However, I don't feel that way anymore. I prefer the tastes of sweet fruits and starches to the smells of meat, cheese or eggs. In some ways, those foods don't seem like foods anymore.
As for weight loss, I have lost a bit of weight. If you knew what I looked like before going vegan, you definitely wouldn't say I was overweight. However, I was getting steadily heavier over time without getting any taller. I have lost a total of 6 pounds over the past two months (or 5% of my body weight). This is pretty impressive considering I'm not restricting any calories and eating until I'm full. I'm still in a healthy weight range for my height and don't think I'll have to worry about losing anymore. I'm beginning to get more into weightlifting exercises and hope to eventually build some muscle mass. Once I start to see an increase in muscle mass, the number on the scale won't mean much. If I was more overweight to begin with, I am confident I would have lost even more weight by now. However, I've reached a good set point for my height and don't think I have the capacity to loose much more healthily.
I've noticed that this change was VERY easy. I didn't have many cravings like some others do when they go vegan. Apart from spending the time to cook my own meals, its not that much of a hassle either. My adjustment has been significantly easier than that of my friends. They still don't understand that I reach my protein needs without just eating cans of beans or packages or tofu and nuts. However, I've been making a point to educate them on the richness of plant foods and their ability to meet all of your nutritional needs. They mainly just make fun of me for being a health nut, but to be honest I'm okay with that. I love it and am immensely passionate about it. There's no shame in that. I keep telling myself that the people who change the world all do something against what's normal. It'll be worth it to lead by example and share the message about plant foods.
Interested in learning more about plant based living and the benefits of this lifestyle on your health and the environment? I definitely recommend checking out a book or movie about the lifestyle I live. I'll leave some awesome vegan links to check out when you have some time to watch a movie or reserve a book.
Click for the full length movie on the Earthlings website. This appeals to the ethical vegans. The horrors behind where your food comes from. If all else fails, watch this. You WILL become a vegan after watching this.
Forks over Knives
Click for the trailer. A movie that shows the health benefits of switching to plants. A MUST SEE. Watch on Netflix or find it somewhere like the library. This movie will change your life.
The Engine 2 Diet
Click for the trailer. Such an awesome take on how easy it is to put together filling, plant based meals. I loved this movie and the book its based on. Watch on Netflix.
Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead
Click for the trailer. A really interesting take on one man's health journey. I don't recommend jumping into juicing like this man does, but it does bring up very important points about the dangers of animal products and the benefits of plants. There's also a sequel. Both on Netflix.
Hungry for Change
Click for the trailer. I thought I would mention this movie because it was the first movie I watched (back in 2011!) that got me into health and plant foods. Such a well done movie, but there's a big push for these superfoods. I wouldn't get caught up in superfoods, but would take from it the advice for plant foods. It also does a great job of exposing the diet and weight loss industry. Watch on Netflix.
Click for the trailer. Such an awesome film that tracks the experience of three Americans following a Standard American Diet and their transition into veganism. Does a great job showcasing the results of each individual and the impact that they have on the animals and environment. Watch on Netflix.
The Starch Solution by Dr. John McDougall
The book that I would recommend to anyone who wants to change their life with food. This clears up every question you've ever had about diet and what the human body was made to eat. Read it. I'm serious. It will change your life.
The China Study by T. Colin Campbell, PhD
If you want the science behind reversing and preventing cancers, diabetes, heart disease and other western diseases then READ THIS. All of these diseases (yes, cancer included) have been clearly linked to diet and animal product consumption. Such an incredible contribution to the plant based movement.
The 80/10/10 Diet by Dr. Douglas N Graham
The remarkable collection of work by a health and plant foods guru.
Dr. Neal Barnard's Program for Reversing Diabetes by Dr. Neal Barnard
Type 2 diabetes is reversable, treatable, and preventable. Plant based doctor Neal Barnard is the president of Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. I'd recommend this to anyone who wants to cure their diabetes and restore their health.
Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease by Dr. Caldwell B Esselstyn
Another plant based doctor gives his research and advice to those suffering with heart disease. Such an important book.
Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer
The ethics behind not consuming meat.
The Engine 2 Diet by Rip Esselstyn
Son of Caldwell Esselstyn. Perfect veganism guide for meat eaters. Inspired the movie "The Engine 2 Diet."
If I had to recommend one book: The Starch Solution
If I had to recommend one movie: Forks Over Knives
I have a few of these titles in my collection. If you need one and can't pick it up at the library or on Netflix then let me know. For all the locals, I'd be glad to lend you a copy.
Well, that's about it. Hope you've enjoyed my update and that it makes up for the lack of content over the past few weeks.
Love and Hugs!!
Sydney xx
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